This Couple Teaches Their Child The ‘CEO Mindset’ To Prepare For The Future

Luigi and Kris Casas are using the lessons they learned in business in raising their daughter.

This Couple Teaches Their Child The 'CEO Mindset' To Prepare For The Future
  • Being leaders in the corporate world for many years, Luigi and Kris Casas have a handful of techniques, life lessons, and nuggets of wisdom they want their daughter to learn and live by.One of which is the “CEO Mindset,” which is more than just turning problems into opportunities, but planning for long-term goals and working towards it day by day.In an interview with Smart Parenting, Luigi, the vice president of PLDT Enterprise, and wife Kris, the CEO of a local retail company specializing in essential baby care products, shared how they’re preparing their 4-year-old daughter Chiara to face the future and deal with unprecedented events along the way.
    Luigi and Kris Casas want to prepare their four-year-old to face the world by teaching her the ‘CEO Mindset.’


    Give your child a chance to solve problems their own way

    At age four, Chiara is already being trained by Luigi to be a problem-solver.

    “In the office, I try to give my team the chance to come up with answers to their problems, which gives them a chance to think critically,” he said. “I do the same with Chiara, and try to make her understand problems first and ask her how she would fix them.”

    “Be creative in problem-solving and also in play,” Luigi also noted. “Don’t rely on digital solutions like tablets to keep you busy. It’s okay to get bored because it will allow your mind to be creative.”

    Empower her today so she can empower others tomorrow

    “Teach your daughters to worry less about fitting into glass slippers and more about shattering glass ceilings,” said Kris on how she raises her daughter.

    An empowered woman herself, Kris would like Chiara to lead and empower others someday, too. According to the mom, the quote she shared above is her guiding principle in raising an independent yet compassionate woman.

    “Leading a company and raising a child is very similar in my book — it’s all about teaching them grit, independence, confidence and, at the same time, compassion,” she added.

    Motivate her to try without fear of failure

    As a father, Luigi wants Chiara to continue trying and exploring new things without the fear of failure.

    “I see her frustration at times when she gets things wrong, or when she is shy to try something new like dancing, swimming, etc. When I see this, I usually remind her that trying is better than doing nothing at all,” the dad explained.

    “Teach your daughters to worry less about fitting into glass slippers and more about shattering glass ceilings.”


    Teach her to move forward, even in times of crisis

    Being in the retail industry for 16 years, Kris has been fortunate to have had good mentors along the way. With this, she wants Chiara to know that she’ll always have her back too, so she can move forward in life, especially in hard times.

    “As a parent, the best way to impart these lessons to a young child is really to lead by example and to instill in them the confidence to always move forward and, at the same time, the feeling of security that we’re behind them no matter what,” explained Kris.

    Kris also added how the current pandemic is hardest for children of all ages, so as an adult, she helps her daughter find ways to cope and understand the situation.

    Underscore the importance of investing for the future

    For Kris, she thinks this is the most crucial task of any parent and the one that worries her the most, too.

    “It’s important that this is imparted to our kids even at an early age through simple decisions like putting coins in a piggy bank, making them wait and save for a toy that they like, or other simple acts that they can understand. Eventually, it can lead to bigger decisions,” she explained.

    Encourage her to be forward-thinking when making decisions

    The last, but most importantly, not the least, is teaching Chiara how to make decisions that won’t only be good today or tomorrow, but in the years to come. After all, being adept at making decisions is the most crucial aspect of having a “CEO Mindset.”

    For Luigi and Kris Casas, one of the wise decisions they’ve made together was investing in The Arton by Rockwell. “We chose to invest in The Arton because of the location and the planned development of the area,” Kris said.

    Amenities like the main pool, pavilion, and co-working space make it an ideal home to raise your child.


    On the couples’ short-term and long-term plans for the unit they bought, Kris said: “The Arton is surrounded by top academic institutions, and the place we got will be perfect in the short-term future to rent to the educators or students. And in the long-term future, for my daughter, should she decide to go to university in the area.”

    Rockwell’s signature flair and top-notch amenities also captured the couple’s hearts.

    “We love our experience in Rockwell Land developments, be it for leisure or retail,” Kris noted. “They have an impressive roster of communities developed with that distinct Rockwell flair.”

    Redefining quality living in Quezon City, The Arton by Rockwell is a 1.9-hectare high-rise residential community elevating the lifestyle in Katipunan. It’s comprised of 80-percent open space and lush gardens, ensuring spaciousness inside and outside the units. Other than five-star amenities, residents can also visit The Arton Strip, Rockwell’s retail and lifestyle destination up north.

    The Arton by Rockwell is a 1.9-hectare high-rise residential community elevating the lifestyle in Katipunan.


    With the overlooking view of the Sierra Madre mountains and the Ortigas skyline, families can always revel in the ideal background while bonding or working from home. The Arton by Rockwell is the perfect place to live whether you’re a young family setting down your roots in the city or an established bunch that wants to be nearer top schools and business districts in the north.

    For more information, visit The Arton by Rockwell’s official website and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.


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